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We approach every project with the intent purpose of bringing daily joy and inspiration to the inhabitants of the spaces we design.

SixTwentyOne designs spaces that are lasting, simple, and tailor made for each client. Whether we are designing a single-family residence for a family of three, or a multifamily project that houses 500, our expertise in the field of living environments ensures you get the best product to fit your specific needs.

Single-family Studio

Designing spaces for living is a science, a process, and an art form.  It is intricate, subtle, and emotional.  We believe you deserve a design studio who will focus on perfecting this process.  We design spaces for living – you make it home. 

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Hospitality and Leisure

Through years of experience designing hospitality and leisure spaces, we have developed an intimate understanding of how best to navigate the intricacies of this building typology.  Designing spaces where people feel most at ease is one of the things we love most, and what we do best. 

Multifamily + Commercial Studio

We believe that intentional design of our physical environment is critical to leading an intentional life.  With more than 20 years of experience in the field of architectural and interior design, we have honed our expertise in creating spaces and communities that promote livability, vitality, health, and balance. 

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